When life gives you…..

Shane & I were talking last night, and realized that somehow the entire past 7 days are just gone. I have little recollection of the days, yet I also remember some of the moments all too well. Somehow in a week's span we managed to: Tuesday! Yay Baxter got his cast off!! It was so quick. 10mins with the doctor and then they hand him to me and basically say he's good to go. His leg smelled something awful and he wouldn't walk on it. I was confused and asked a bunch of questions, but the doctor said the tendon healed perfectly, and aside from the dermatitis from the bandages he could go for walks and basically get back to normal slowly. I was shocked. I picked him up into the truck and headed home. And this is where things went BAD. For the entire 20 minute ride home he was going after the foot. I was reaching back trying to grab him, screaming at him. I didn't know what else to do, Even if I pulled over I knew he would only stop for as long as I could hol...