A little Blingy Inspiration

A couple weeks ago I received a surprise present in the mail. A fellow blogger/reader/runner wanted to send me one of her beautiful necklaces she designed. The picture below doesn't do this cute little necklace justice. The little charm tags are shiny, flat and lightweight. The necklace is something you could actually wear for training, racing or every day. I train with my dogs on almost all of my runs, and if you've known me for a while, than you've seen the picture below. This sign of Baxter was put out on the bike course of my first Ironman for inspiration. My dogs keep me on target, and well if nothing else help the negatives splits.. Now, I have a little token of inspiration that I can bring with me any time I want :-) Thank you Sarah at TAG YOUR IT! DESIGNS Please take a look at her website and consider her when looking for that perfect little gift! As a special surprise, Sarah is offering a gift to someone else. Click on the giveaway page and enter "tri-do...