Ironman Arizona Part 2!

As I type this post I'm sitting in my recovery boots snuggled up to my dogs on the couch trying to remember what normal legs feel like, or how much we take simply walking for granted. I'm incredibly sore. A soreness I haven't felt since my BQ marathon last year. Even after having my IM marathon PR at CDA earlier this year my body was not this torn up. After reflecting with Michelle, I wonder if it's the back to back marathons? I realize some people race long all year and wouldn't think twice about it, but for me this was a LOT. My first time with 2 IM, and if you look at the calendar from this time last year it's 4 marathons and 3 Ironman in 12 months. If you read last year's race report for Arizona you know it was one of those perfect days. Perfect weather, perfect year long prep, perfect race execution. When that was followed up with an equally perfect day in CDA 7 months later, it was almost hard to wrap my head around what I would ...