
It's race week!!! I'm not gonna lie, I'm super excited for this week. Normally, I dread the "taper" and the rest and aches and all the not fun stuff that goes along with it, but this time I'm READY. This is my 4th Ironman working with Michelle and my 4th Ironman CDA. Each training "season" has been the same, but also different, this one in particular. I'm not one to love a big long taper, or rest days, or even weeks for that matter. My body (when fit) recovers quickly so after big big blocks I need a couple days of light active recovery then I'm ready to get back at it. Too much rest leaves me feeling slow, sluggish and then takes me a longer time to get back to work. But, my last couple of weeks have been a bit more "nailed" and intense than normal so I'm way ready for this week! One thing that has not changed are the infamous "phantom" symptoms. There are so many of them. Phantom pain (you know ...