
I'm officially in my 12th year of running! Crazy to think that. Actually, crazy to think and God forbid, say anything like that, dating myself. I'm realizing this a lot lately, mostly as I'm looking for a new job and reviewing my resume and finding myself looking over my history and experience and realizing I'm no young pup anymore… I didn't just graduate college (even tho I'm still paying for the stupid thing), and I continually get looked over instead of getting carded anymore :( Not that I'm feeling old or anything lately. I mean, I'm officially going to enter into my racing age group here in a few months, and realize that turning 35 means I'm getting just that much closer to another decade. Shit. Back to my point. RUNNING! I really really do have a love hate relationship with it. I've always loved it, even back when I was first starting and did all my runs on the treadmill. Even after years of injury resulting in...