I've reached that point in Ironman training (I swear it gets earlier every time…) where I'm constantly hungry. I've finally learned in the past couple of years just how important nutrition is. I stopped thinking about exact ratios or math or crazy calculations of what I think my body needs. I've tried most methods of recovery drinks, high protein, blah blah…. But honestly, I just think everyone has to figure out what works for YOU, not what the latest fad is, for instance… It seems like lately everyone is scared of sugar. While I have given in to the latest craze and followed the advice of some of my friends who recently took a nutrition class, I just will never be someone who can follow a diet. I eat what I LIKE, I eat when I'm hungry and I really really really try to make good decisions, but I mostly never restrict everything, or don't let myself have something if I want it. Let's not talk about that piece of chocolate cake I had Sunday night aft...