movin' on up

I'm clearly pretty behind on the blog updates… Life has taken some incredibly tragic turns and I'm just trying to get by day to day. As I mentioned in my last post, my mom suddenly passed away at the beginning of March. Between trying to get through each day, to planning an out of town service; training was most certainly a life saver for me. Because the service was to be held 5 weeks after my mom's passing, I was doing everything imaginable to keep myself pre-occupied and stay together. What better opportunity to have a mental break then visiting my favorite place, Rocky Point. This was my first introduction to the multi-sport life 10 years ago when we headed down south for the RP Tri. I was too scared to do the race and just did the 10k, but over the past several years I put my big girl pants on and have moved up to facing my my ocean swim fears and racing the Olympic race. It's one of kind for sure. You never know what you are going to g...