Girl Scout Cookies... WHERE ARE YOU?

This afternoon I was reading through a few blogs and I came across this post (scroll down a little to Wed 2/28 post). I had almost forgotten about these things. I remember ordering them, from a friendly neighbor who came knocking at the door a couple months ago. I don't know what I ordered, or how many rather, but I sure would go for a samoa, or tagalong right now.... And, who can forget the thin mints... Is your mouth watering yet? Thank God for this Ironman training. Right now, I'd kill for that little girl to come a knocking at my door AGAIN, this time with whatever I ordered in her hands... I guess I'm a little low on sugar right now. I just ate a bunch of Raspberries, so hopefully that will tie me over for a while

I can't believe it is March. I swear it was just December- I just turned 29, and celebrated the new year with our friends Stacey & Dave in Mexico (viva Hornitos!!) Where has the time gone? Not only is is the end of my 4th week of training, but it's almost SPRING TIME! I feel great. No big problems to speak of. The shoulder worries me from time to time, but today it feels good. Yesterday while swimming, it hurt like hell...

My running is improving (THANK GOD). Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not getting fast or anything, but I'm able to stay in my mid zone 2 at a comfortable pace. 2 months ago, I was at my high zone 2 running about a min/mile slower. My goal was to be able to back my HR down to 145-155 vs 150-164 so I could start burning some fat calories, rather than pure carbs. It was frustrating at first because I was so stinking slow. Slower than I've ever been, but the body is coming around. Depending on the route, I can get anywhere from a 9:15-10:20min mile in that low HR. I'm happy with that.

I've come a long way to realize I am NOT going to be a fast runner. When I first started out running it was all about PACE. I thought, I MUST run a 9min/mile pace. Of course, this was before I wore a HR monitor. And, 2 marathons later (and some 8:00/mile 10K prs), I was injured. Little did I know that running that pace ALL the time & never going easy would put me in a 3 year injury that finally led to surgery. Live & Learn, right?

So, I've learned to listen to my body (although ironshane will tell you otherwise), rest when needed & not deprive myself of anything (can we say Girl Scout Cookies?). I've also learned that I don't need to be as fast as everyone in my group, and it's ok to get passed riding up hills if need be to stick in my zone. Besides, mini-me & her little 650 wheels will catch em on the downs!

Now, having mentioned all these things that I HAVE learned, it still seems like there is so much more. Nutrition - honestly, I don't think I'll ever figure this one out. Which supplements are the best. How many calories to take an hour (well my VO2 test helped with that, but I still need to get it dialed in to perfection). Best training plan. Don't even get me started on the gear. The possibilities are ENDLESS. Ok, I have to throw out this new gadget my friend SheRah emailed me about today. Check it out here.

I guess all those things are why so many of us start this sport, and don't quit. It NEVER gets boring. There are new races to try out every year. It's SO much fun!!!!

It seems I've gone off on some ramblings in this post. I didn't really know what I was going to say when I started it, so I'm not surprised. I guess I'll end with a little training update.

Week 4 (after Saturday's brick)

Run - 22.5 miles

Swim - 7250 meters

Cycle - ~110 miles

Strength - ~2.5hrs.

Not so shabby!!


momo said…
in the immortal words of the one and only cookie monster, "give me cookie!!"

and just about anything edible these days... :-)
Spokane Al said…
No too shabby indeed. And when you see that Girl Scout, please send her my way.
Anonymous said…
Uh, I ate some Girl Scout cookies,and I'm barely training!! Hey, don't drop me from the ride schedule distribution Arnold said, "I'll be back!!!"
Benson said…
It's so good to know I'm not alone in my weakness for Girl Scout cookies.

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