The LaPan's Holidays "al la De-Scrooge"

Last year we were convinced (aka guilted) into not going through with our tradition of going to Mexico for my birthday and Christmas. We did have a good time visiting with family and being with friends late into the evenign Christmas night. However, when we made the decision to celebrate our Christmas Holiday in Mexico, it was to build our own traditions. To avoid feeling guilty for leaving one parents or grandparents house too early, or not spending enough time with one family or another. It was our way of saying, this is what WE want to do.

So, last year we stayed in Phoenix until the 26th. On Christmas Eve, also my birthday, we went to dinner with my family, then drove to Shane's family after their celebration to at least say hello. We ended up home around Midnight. On Christmas morning we woke up just in time to shower and get in the car to go visit Shane's (other) parents for Christmas breakfast - Almost 3 hours later and a photo radar ticket, we stopped by our house to let the dogs out & headed another half an hour to be with my family for Christmas dinner. After dinner, another 45mins driving we stopped by our good friends the Angelone's for a nightcap. With all the stress of driving - and Shane taking one for the team and celebrating with my dad (because it was my turn for DD).....then Big J later that evening he was well on his way to a not so good start to the drive to Mexico in the morning....

Long story short we drove about 200 miles between Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, then finally got down to Mexico late on the 26th. We never set up a Christmas Tree or put out any decorations. We barely did any shopping or gift exchanging, just for our friends and family's chidren....

This year we wanted to change our bad attitudes. Even though our Thanksgiving plans were changed last minute, we did get the opportunity to get down to our Mexico house and enjoy some great beach time. We also realized that our co-house owner would not be down before us so we decided to set up our Christmas tree & change our holiday bah humbug attitudes for this year.

So, here you have it. Our fabulous (almost-free) Mexico style Christmas tree - up and waiting for us to get back here for the Holiday.

We started out with one of my last speeed runs a-la "Baxter bring it" style, shrimp & veggie scramble + Mimosas and tree decorating.

Couldn't ask for anything more. This year, we will be doing Christmas the LaPan traditional style. Shrimp, beach, and maybe a shot of hornitos.


Molly said…
Ha! I love it! You really have the right approach. And the tree looks adorable.

For us, we always run away to Arizona for Christmas and New Years. But having just been there for IM, we are staying in San Jose for the first time in our entire relationship...we will see how this pans out.
Jessica said…
sounds great honey! can't wait to see you at tucson and watch you rock it. You staying at the Hilton? Let me know! j
momo said…
does this mean i won't see you on christmas this year? so sad!! that just means we'll have to celebrate before christmas. :)

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