Good Kharma.

I don't know if I ever wrote about my little dilemma with Toyota. Right Toyota of Scottsdale, specifically. Read. Don't EVER EVER purchase a car from Right Toyota. They are sleazy, lying, scumbags, if you will.

Long story short, a year ago I traded in my 4-runner for a Sequoia. The finance manager "sold" me on purchasing an extended warranty because HE calculated I refund in the amount of $X from my previous Toyota warranty. After much convincing, they had me at "it's basically free $"

Fast forward a few months and the refund I got was only HALF what he estimated. I made a phone call and was told "no problem" and given directions on where to send the money them.
Case closed. Or so I thought. A few months later I received some no-letter head collections letter for the difference in what I gave them. I ignored it. It had no validation on the letter. A few months after that I received a small claims complaint.

I SO responded. 2 months later I heard nothing, so I assumed the case was closed. Until one day Shane emailed me asking if I knew WE had a court date in like 5 hours, THAT DAY..

WTF? Ugh.. NOOOOO. Shane has a "google alert" set up, so anytime his name appears, he is sent a notification. This notification was a court date and time.

So, we showed up, fired up, and ready. Plead our case, which really wasn't that difficult. They were facts. Toyota had some out of the loop attorney there, with a SIGNED letter from the finance manager that worked with us LYING about how he had nothing to do with the refund I received and had NO way of knowing what that amount would be. (Apparently making a phone call IN FRONT OF US, and providing us with a calculation based on dates, times and paperwork NEVER happened in his delusional mind).

ANYWAY. The Judge was very nice. She was annoyed that the Toyota Representative who actually participated in the transaction was not there. On the other hand she told us we needed the agreement in writing. Point taken.

She was unable to make the judgement that day, but said we would know by the end of the week. Shane & I both felt good about the hearing, and went on with our Holiday weekend in California.

About a month went by and I never received a judgement. After not receiving the initial court date I got worried we might not have received the judgement as well so I did some investigating. About an hour later after being on hold, I was told that the case had not been completed, judgement was not made.

Apparently our hearing got lost in the mix of the Holiday weekend. Oops.

A week later I received a judgement and was ordered to be the difference. I was furious. I felt cheated. Not out of the money, but out of principal. I'm a good person. I pay my bills. I don't mess will people.

In fact, my first year in Arizona I made a big mistake. I was coming home late one night from the gym. I was on EMPTY. I stopped at the store to get some food. As I went to turn into my parking space my SWEATY hands slipped off the wheel and I smacked right into the side of a truck.

I waited for :45mins in the parking lot for the owner of the vehicle to arrive. I gave him all of my information (while HE was screaming at me).... and went home.

I did a good thing. I paid a lot or it, but it was the right thing to do.

There was nothing I could do to take away the court judgement of the money I had to pay Toyota, but for piece of mind I needed to go look the man in the eye and tell him what he did.

THE PIECE OF SHIT guy played DUMB. He tried to claim that he wished I would have called him before it went to collections. He totally would have taken care of it. Blah Blah. "he had NO idea" "it was such a small amount, he couldn't believe they would go to court over this."

I looked him in the eye and said, "Funny, Your attorney had a signed letter FROM YOU stating you never estimated the value of the refund, etc...."

He stumbled with his words a bit and then tried to say he signs stuff all the time...

Ok, to end this not so short versions... The coward got up, said he needed to get a receipt for me and NEVER CAME BACK. The little Wiesel sent some one else in to finish with me...

Seriously. The dude couldn't face little 5'3" of me. Cause he KNOWS he was wrong.

UGhhh... Anyway. Back to the Good Kharma. See, when I thought for a moment I wouldn't be forking over the cash for this whole deal, I happened across a new bag that I absolutely fell in love with. I was so ready to buy it. Then, I had to write that damn check for twice as much as the bag, and I just couldn't do it. Too much money.

So I went to the Coach store thinking maybe it wouldn't be as cute in person as it was online. But it SO WAS as cute. Maybe even cutter. And there were not many left. 2 in the store, less than 100 in distribution.

I finally came to reason that it was just a bag. No big deal.

Until Monday when I got a 25%off preferred customer coupon.

And guess what I went and ordered yesterday??

Good Kharma. It's a wonderful thing :-)


:) said…
You and my wife are never to speak. She is a purse fiend. (but she has graduated from coach to l.v....)

Glad you gave that POS a piece of your mind. What a coward.
J~Mom said…
I am sorry you went through all of that!! It makes me mad just to read it. :<(

As I was reading the last few sentences I was like oohhh I will tell her I have a coupon. I am glad you got the same one. LOL

I am doing the SOMA quarter so I hope I can meet you guys out there!
J~Mom said…
PS I sent you a link to my blog since I made it private now. I just didn't want to lock out any fellow bloggers. :>)
SWTrigal said…
Coach purse=absolute good karma!!!
Fe-lady said…
Sounded like you needed a new bag after all that!
Glad it ended well for you!
(Another reason for me to hang on to my '88 honda!)
Molly said…
Scott and I took care of a little pup that was lost in our neighborhood last night. It was a tad bit inconvenient b/c we had people coming over and Scott was trying to get the grill going.I kept telling him it was worth the effort b/c we would want someone to do the same for Kozmo and good karma would come around.
I SO hope it comes around in the same way yours did b/c that bag kicks major a$$!
Take Care
P.O.M. said…
Oh what a bastard - all car dealerships are like that I think. Makes me afraid to get a new car (which I desperatly need and have the money for- but just can't deal with the drama of the dealership).

LOVE LOVE LOVE the bag - the style, the color. So adorable.
Unknown said…
i think i would have had to insist that the scum bag give me the receipt himself. i would have waited there for hours.

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