Ironman AZ weekend

I'm not really sure I could sit here and write down all the details of Sunday, or even this weekend.... There were so many bloggers out here, and some of them have already posted pictures and stories, so I think it's best to let everyone share their story, their perspective and because MOST people are so much better about taking pictures, I'll send you on to their pictures as well.

The weekend started out with a BANG! Andy hosted a fabulous carb-load dinner for everyone to get together, meet, and also reveal the surprise of the night. The pictures do not do this justice. It was one of the coolest things I have every been a part of.... Duane might think he is the luckiest man around, but honestly if you saw the people who helped make this happened, and the looks on their faces as Duane drew his name. You'd know that luck feeling was shared by everyone.

I got to meet several bloggers, some again.... and some for the first time!

I am going to let Bold recap Saturday's adventure... Just, well... don't believe everything he might say. The snot, and spit... well, that is prolly true. Momo & I will fess up to that. We might be GIRLS, but we are also athletes! It was a tough tough day on Saturday, but we all rocked our epic ride in the crazy wind. And, afterwards. The Angelones hosted a wonder BBQ where I did my best to rehydrate with wine. Cause, that is how I roll.

And to Sunday. I think I was a broken record of the following:
  • OMG


  • I think I'd be in the medical tent

  • Time for MORE sunscreen

  • I need some more water

  • These people are crazy

  • This race sucks

  • Good thing this is the last year for IM AZ in April....

  • POOP Lake (Nytro, did you REALLY need to jump in that lake???)


Each and every single person that started, and did their best out there on that course whether they made it across that finish line or not is simply amazing. The conditions were horrendous. I can not imagine how so many people traveled from snow and rain and cold and still endured the heat this weekend. It crept up on us that live here, and my sympathy was with every single person out there on Sunday toughing it out.

My friend Sara ROCKED the course. She trained her ass off all year long for this race. She was set to PR in a BIG way. Everytime I saw her she was all 'smiles.' She never once got frustrated, or let us know she was that things just wouldn't be able to go as planned because of the conditions. She PR'd by 10-15min from her CDA time, even with this brutal weather. She earned that medal in so many ways.

I give extra props to some our friends who's bodies disagreed with the weather, the heat. Comm and Ric, you guys ARE Ironmen. You gave what you had, and then some.. We are proud of you both! I hope you are both starting to recover, and enjoying some much earned and needed rest.

Being down at the race was a BLAST. I got to hang out with Nytro, Bold and Andra for a lot of the race. I got to see Benny's friend Ryan pick scoop up his adorable little boy and head to the finish. You should have seen her face. It was priceless.

I was brought back to the memory of how HARD Ironman is. But at the same time how rewarding it is. Being out there as a spectator was such a good thing. It made me appreciate so many people that supported us last year. And, excited thinking about so many of the people that will be there to support us in CDA this year.

I don't know what the day will be us in CDA. I don't know how I will feel. How my body will respond. But, I do know that I will keep in my thoughts all of the people that were out there on Sunday. I will remember how hard they fought, struggled and conquered such a tough day......


Wek 10 Recap. Great week!!!! Almost 19hrs (plus a 14hr spectating day) including my strength days. I missed a swim due to the crazy weekend, but no worries here!


SWTrigal said…
IMAZ sounds like SomaX2. Don't think I could have done a full Ironman in that heat. And yes I think spectating with that heat is counted for training. Soooo glad IMAZ that I am doing is in November. Maybe will escape the heat at last!
momo said…
we're rocking girls. there is NO DOUBT. :-)
Spokane Al said…
You rock with your training.

Averaging 20 mph over 20 miles on the bike is something I can only dream about.
your training looks awesome - I bow to your awesomeness!

The race sounds like it was a real struggle. I can only imagine what it was like, the heat would have killed me, it's been so cool here so far!
monica said…
hey krista!! it was awesome to meet you and get to ride with you all saturday even if it was more like me hanging on for dear life. y'all are HARD CORE!!!

i think i had the same thoughts on sunday. it was gnarly for everyone out there!!! i'll probably be back to cheer on more friends for november's race, so hopefully we can all ride again, and maybe by then i'll be able to hang better!!!

kick ass at im cda!!!
Anonymous said…
K i'm not going to lie..i didn't actually read your blog tonight...i saw mini and got super pumped and didn't even read!! she's big pimpin!! damn dead sexy. happy bday abbie! auntie carrie

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